The Volunteering Peak Bodies engaged Survey Matters to conduct the VIO Online Accessibility Survey from March to April 2023. 636 Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) provided feedback about digital capacity and capability. The research report provides a greater understanding of Volunteer Involving Organisations’ (VIOs) online accessibility. It will inform recommendations to improve online accessibility and address barriers.

To access the final report, click here.

The aim of this Guide is to promote understanding, healing, and positive relationships between organisations and First Nations communities. It includes accessible and actionable resources that can be used to work towards increased cultural safety in your organisation and to support you to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander volunteers.

Access the document by clicking here

The National Strategy for Volunteering was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, led by Volunteering Australia, and co-designed by the entire volunteering ecosystem

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Nationally accepted glossary of terms and definitions widely used in the volunteering sector

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A series of research reports on issues affecting young people and communities

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This website showcases the volunteer environment work conducted by volunteers around the ACT

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A national report on the value of volunteering support services to local communities

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Volunteers are indispensable to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

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